
School Information

the school day

While our modified timetable is reduced and flexible, students understand that class time is dedicated to positive and productive learning.

The school day is split into learning blocks covering the curriculum and Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).

Students have a clear structure regarding their learning taking place on campus.

Indie School aims to provide a positive schooling experience where students feel supported and empowered to successfully achieve their goals in the classroom.

We expect our students to engage with the curriculum to the best of their ability.

social and emotional development

Our smaller student to staff ratios ensure more in-class support for students that need it. We focus on the development of our student’s self-awareness in relation to their emotions and how this can impact on their ability to learn and ultimately function day to day.

Indie School understands the importance of social and emotional development. The classroom isn’t just for learning how to do Maths and English, it’s also for learning how to be “you”.

active not passive

Engaged students are more likely to enjoy the learning experience. When they actively participate in their learning and appreciate the value of what they are learning, they are much more likely to retain and apply what they have learned.

staff support

Students at Indie School have access to teachers, trainers and assessors and administration support. Our student welfare officers are trained in mental health and trauma based practice.

checking in with students

Indie School has a supportive and strong Student Welfare team, who are able to assist students with any concerns or issues that they may have. Our Welfare staff provide enrolment advice, confidential counselling, support and referral services and in class health and wellbeing programs.

Welfare support is embedded into the Indie School program. From the moment a student engages with us, we are committed to not only meeting their educational needs, but recognise the need to support the whole student. 


Digital literacy is more vital than ever. A strong grasp of information technology can help students develop sought-after skills in teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking and collaboration.

Our students have access to a range of devices for individual classroom tasks and group collaboration. We currently have a ratio of one device per student.

Helping students develop their skills in Information Technology can build their confidence across other subjects.


Indie School students are not required to wear uniforms.

Our students are treated like capable young adults. Choice, independence, accountability and mutual respect are a big part of Indie School’s philosophy.

Uniforms can be a barrier to engagement in a few key ways

Economic – families who cannot afford to purchase uniforms;
Social – staff are not required to reprimand students for incorrect uniform, which can negatively impact the teacher-student relationship essential to learning;
Personal – students cannot see the relevance of wearing uniform to their learning and/or feel more comfortable in their own clothing.

the school day

While our modified timetable is reduced and flexible, students understand that class time is dedicated to positive and productive learning.

The school day is split into learning blocks covering the curriculum and Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).

Students have a clear structure regarding their learning taking place on campus.

Indie School aims to provide a positive schooling experience where students feel supported and empowered to successfully achieve their goals in the classroom.

We expect our students to engage with the curriculum to the best of their ability.

our philosophy

We believe that every young person has the ability to shine.  We also know that self belief is the key to bringing this to the forefront.

Our School is different, we focus on:

  • Developing strong relationships in adult settings,

  • Exploring the capacities of each individual student and helping them to grow into capable young adults,

  • Closing the gaps caused by disjointed prior education experiences, and

  • Assisting students to believe in themselves and a future they want to create.

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